Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Finland)
The FAIDD is a leading national central organisation and cooperative forum for organisations and persons working for the better quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities, as well as others needing support in learning, understanding and communicating. The FAIDD was founded in 1952 and has 6 units with 80 employees: Education, Information and Web services, Plain Language Centre, Development and Research, Communication and Technology Centre Tikoteekki and Teaching Materials Centre Opike. Its goal is that all people can live together from an equal footing. This requires appropriate support and sufficient, quality services for people who need them and positive attitudes within surrounding society.
International networking supports FAIDD’s special expertise and knowledge. FAIDD has also taken part in development cooperation for over 20 years and has a long tradition of cooperation in Russia. FAIDD is a member of many of the most notable international organisations in the field.
FAIDD is medium sized and professionally led national organisation. FAIDD’s main source of income is the Finnish Slot Machine Association. Except from its participation in numerous European R&D projects in the field, FAIDD participates also as full or Associated Partner in projects about Inclusive Vocational Education and Specialised Tailor-made Training.